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The 5 things that should NOT be on your CV

When it comes to applying for a job, your resume is everything.

Regardless of whether you are new to the work force or you're a seasoned veteran who has been working in the same profession for the past 20 years, when it comes to applying for a job, your resume is everything.

Your resume or CV is what sells you to a potential employer, and if it is poorly written or delivered it can cost you the role.

Indeed, your CV can make or break your career opportunities. As such, it is imperative for anyone considering applying for a job to have the perfect CV.

Your resume should help you to put your best foot forward. It should also help you to showcase your skills, qualifications and previous experience to any potential employer.

Unfortunately, when it comes to producing a quality resume, many people get it wrong, thereby turning off a potential employer.

So what are the five things that you should never include on you CV?

1. Unprofessional email addresses:

In the ‘personal details' section at the top of a CV, many people will include their personal email address. Sometimes however, those personal email addresses can be a little too personal. Email addresses like ‘' and ‘' do not send the right signal to a potential employer. If you wish to be taken seriously and treated as a professional, it is important to have a professional email address. Put yourself in the shoes of an employer: what would you think if you received a CV from ‘'? Before applying for jobs, create an email address (preferably Gmail) that is professional and straight to the point.

2. Age:

Regardless of whether you are 21 years old and applying for your first full-time job or 47 years of age and have been working in a particular industry for the last 25 years, don't include your age in your CV. Employers will often receive hundreds of CVs for a particular role, and as such, will look for small things that can eliminate a potential candidate straight off the bat. By including your age in your CV, a potential employer may see it and think you don't have enough experience or you are too old for the role. Don't let your age determine whether or not you secure an interview, instead let your skills do the talking.

3. Personal address:

A lot of people will include their personal address on their CV, though it isn't absolutely necessary to do this. Instead of including your home address on your resume, just put your suburb. It still shows your potential employer where you are currently residing without giving them the exact location.

4. Private home numbers:

Just like your personal address, it isn't necessary to include your private home number on your CV. Today, all working professionals carry their mobile phone on them at all times, so when you are including your contact number on your CV, make sure it is your mobile only. After all, you don't want someone pestering you on your landline after hours.

5. Referees:

While a potential employer will want to contact your referees for a reference prior to you starting with them, it is a good idea not to include your referees on your CV. By stating that referee details are available upon request, your potential employer will be forced to contact you for referees' details, thus giving you the time and ability to contact your referees ahead of time and brief them on the position you have applied for. You can tell them exactly what the job entails so that they can structure their conversations to reflect most positively upon you, your character and skill-set.

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